Community Related Volunteering

  • Charity BBQ fun day

To celebrate the establishment of HKLAX Foundation, our team held a charity BBQ fun day, hoping to encourage staff, volunteers and players to raise funds for the community. The amount raised will be all donated to local community organisations, at the same time HKLAX Foundation will donate equal amount to the organisation.

  • Distribution of epidemic care packs

Our team distributed more than 1000 gift packs which included masks, hand sanitiser and wet wipes to three home for elderly under ‘Hong Kong Society for the Blind’ and ‘1st Step Association Limited’. The activity aimed to share warmth and love to the disable and elderly people, in order to cope with their daily hygiene needs.

  • Food Angel

Food Angel is a charity that collects surplus food and serves meals for the poor, elderly and underprivileged. Our teams joint the ‘Food Angel’ volunteer programmes twice to help prepare and sort raw vegetable and preparing meal boxes. These events aimed to promote food waste reduction and promote caring for the community.